Why It’s Great to Study in a Small Town

Choosing the right location to study is a very important decision that should factor into your college selection. Would you rather be able to live on-campus and walk/bike to your classes, or live in a crowded suburban area and commute to class on a crowded bus with multiple stops? Let’s get into some of the reasons why it’s great to study in a small town.
Peaceful, Easy Feeling
Small towns offer something that a large metropolis can’t offer and that is a quiet, calm, peaceful ambiance. A couple of stop signs and stop lights are all that make up the small town’s main street. Whereas in an overcrowded town, you’ve got stop signs, stop lights, roundabouts, highways, frontage roads, and more! You might hear an emergency vehicle tend to an accident in a small town, but in a large town, you’ll hear emergency vehicles constantly plus road maintenance crews, angry drivers on their horns, and the hustle and bustle of corporate America.
Fewer Distractions
A small town won’t have all of the unnecessary distractions to lure you away from doing your homework or reading ahead in your textbook. A large town will have anything and everything you could possibly want or need, which in turn would take you away from what really matters. Small towns aren’t barren though, they still have the necessities for everyday life, like charming boutiques, or mom-and-pop coffee shops. Combine that with the peaceful ambiance we mentioned earlier, and you’ve got yourself a great study environment!
Smaller Class Sizes
A college in a small town would naturally mean smaller class sizes, right? That’s correct! ECC is proud to announce that its average class size is 18 students. Think about that compared to a larger community college or university, those class sizes could be 10x the size of ECC! The saying is true: In a small town, everyone knows everyone. Your professors will get to know you personally. (Let’s be real, they might already know you personally!) But, in a small town, the locals will get to know you, too!
Everyone Helps Out
As we mentioned earlier, everyone knows everyone in a small town, and the same goes for everyone who helps out in a small town. Student life, campus events, athletics, all of those events will be well attended because of the “We-All-Pitch-In” mentality that just naturally occurs in a small town. The public in a small town cares about the education, experience, and well-being of its students, so the residents will come out to support a campus event or athletic event. You’ll even spot them volunteering at an event just because they care so much!
Those are just some of the reasons why it’s great to study in a small town. We’ve got what you need to thrive, our town is friendly, the atmosphere is peaceful, and everyone knows everyone and they’re all willing to help out to make sure you have the most positive experience of your life! Are you interested in learning more about “Small-Town Nice”? Contact ECC Admissions today to schedule your visit!