
IVCCD Board Report – January 10 Meeting

IVCCD Board Learns about Student Trip to Germany, Czechnia

During the monthly Board meeting, the Iowa Valley Community College District Board of Directors learned about an overseas trip taken by 18 agriculture students and four staff members from Ellsworth Community College (ECC). The report was part of the Strategic Presentation series of the meetings. Introduced by ECC Provost Barb Klein, she said students traveled to Germany and Czechia (formerly the Czech Republic) for 10 days in November.

ECC Dean of Academic Affairs Honoria Balogh said the trip, which included two staff and two faculty members, was used primarily to enrich the students’ academic experience, as well as to expose them to other cultures and gain global perspectives. Before they left, several mandatory meetings were held in which all aspects of the trip were discussed.

Board President Makes Subcommittee Appointments

Board President Larry Johnson appointed members to Board subcommittees as part of the board’s annual organization. Committee assignments include Property, Finance & Development: Chris Brodin, Larry Johnson, Clark Lawler; Academic and Student Affairs: Amber Danielson, Paul Pohlson, Larry Johnson; Personnel: Joanna Hofer, Deborah Jones, Larry Johnson; Board Policy Review: Joanna Hofer, Larry Johnson, and Amber Danielson.

Board Approved Jobs Training Agreements

The Board approved two job training agreements through the 260F training program. A $23,506 agreement is with Green Products for Safety training, OSHA certifications, food safety, maintenance, environmental training, CPR and first aid. The other training agreement is with Manatt’s, Inc. for $17,227 and will cover leadership and first aid training.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. at Iowa Valley Community College District Board Room and will be available via Zoom.