
IVCCD Board Report – June Meeting

The Iowa Valley Community College District (IVCCD) Board of Directors recently met and approved several key measures.

Tuition and Fees: The board approved a modest tuition increase of $8 per credit hour for both in-state and out-of-state students. This increase aligns with trends at other Iowa community colleges.

Housing and Dining: Housing rates remain stable for most students at Ellsworth Community College (ECC) and Marshalltown Community College (MCC). However, a $50 annual increase will apply to Lloyd Hall residents due to new amenities.

A common meal plan rate of $1,300 per semester (a 2% increase) will be implemented for all on-campus residents. Details on punch cards, casual meals, and pre/post-semester options are available in individual contracts. Both campuses renewed dining service agreements with Great Western Dining for the 2024-25 academic year.

Construction Project Completions

The board unanimously approved the substantial completion of construction projects at both ECC and MCC. At MCC, the locker room and gym renovations are complete, with complete turf replacement to take place this summer. At ECC, Lloyd Hall construction is complete, with HVAC and doorway issues addressed to the satisfaction of campus Plant Services.

Job Training Agreements Approved

The Board approved two 260F Jobs Training Agreements between Iowa Valley Business and Community Solutions (BCS) and local businesses. A $12,080 agreement with Alliant Energy will provide CPR and First Aid training for their current employees. A separate $40,133 agreement with Ritchie Industries will fund welding training for their current workforce.

The 260F program helps Iowa businesses train and upskill their employees, fostering growth and competitiveness. Training programs are customized to each company’s specific needs. With $4.75 million available annually statewide and matched by participating businesses, the program offers valuable resources for Iowa’s workforce.

Lease Agreement Extended

The board approved a lease extension between ECC and Greenbelt Alternative High School, operated by the Iowa Falls Community School District. This agreement is a longstanding partnership between the two institutions.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for July 2, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom.