Network Device Registration

Device Registration: Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, and Smartphones

Desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones should use the IVCCD-Guest network. The registration process below was completed using a laptop running Windows 10.

The process is similar for Macs, iPhones, iPads, and Android phones and tablets.

Locate the Wi-Fi icon in the System Tray (lower left area) of the Task Bar.

Note: You may need to click on the up caret to expand the System Tray.

Click on the Wi-Fi icon (a globe and small circle with a diagonal line through it) to open the Wi-Fi menu.

Select IVCCD-Guest.

Click on the "Connect automatically" checkbox and then click Connect.

A web browser will open to an Iowa Valley Login page. Review the terms and conditions and then click on the Accept checkbox.

Click Log In.

Note: If the web browser does not automatically open, open the browser manually and navigate to a website. This should force the Iowa Valley Login page to open.

You will then be taken to the Iowa Valley home page. You are now connected to the network.