IVCCD Board Report – September 14 Meeting
IVCCD Board Approved Jobs Training Programs
IOWA FALLS – The IVCCD Board of Directors approved three jobs training programs through the 260E and 260F grant programs. These grant programs, funded by the state of Iowa, are designed to support businesses that are expanding their operations in the state of Iowa (260E) and businesses that are looking to enhance their training for existing employees (260F). These grant programs are facilitated largely through the community colleges, who have the training resources available to help businesses with their training needs. Colleges, like Iowa Valley Business and Community Solutions, work with instructors and training professionals who can create training programs that are custom to area businesses, and serve our local communities.
Colewell Automation, LLC, based in Montezuma, was approved for a 260E grant for the amount of $130,000 to expand their robotics operations. AUR Iowa Farm LLC, expanding to rural Iowa, was approved for a $135,000 260E training grant for IT and infrastructure training. Colewell Automation and AUR Iowa Farm LLC are included in the upcoming bond sale that will be approved during the October meeting. In preparation for the sale the Iowa Valley Board approved a resolution to set the public hearing for the sale not to exceed $600,000 in bonds. The other two companies involved in the sale are River Valley Pipe and Bruin Manufacturing. The funds are for training the new employees hired by these organizations. Summit Farms, LLC was approved for a 260F training grant for $20,184.
Board Learns About TRiO Program
The Board learned about the TRiO program at Ellsworth Community College and Marshalltown Community College. TRiO is a set of federally funded programs designed to ensure equal educational opportunities. TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) helps inspire and support students in their pursuit of a college degree as they transition to college. On average, students who participate in TRiO SSS are more likely to graduate on time and with a higher GPA than eligible students who don’t join the program.
In addition, the Board approved Certificates of Final Completion of the Fiber projects for both the Ellsworth and Marshalltown Community Colleges.
The next regular board meeting is scheduled for October 12, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. and will be held via Zoom.